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Address: 900 Coit Rd, Plano, TX 75075

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Sat, Aug 24, 2024 14:00 CT
Duration: 90 minutes
Placement Test for MAP

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Please proceed with the payment of the testing fee.

Important! In the Customer Id field in the Billing Information section please input the email address you used to register for the Placement Test

Please note: The testing fee is non-refundable.

By pressing this button, you will leave the IDEA MATH website and enter a third-party payment site.

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Since the registrations for the selected test were closed, you need to contact us at for confirmation.

Your placement test request can not be confirmed at this moment. We will update your registration status as soon as possible.

Your Placement Test registration request has been noted.

Once a new date is announced, we will notify you. You need to contact us at for confirmation.